Xiaohan Zhu
Xiaohan Zhu a graduate student in the UC Berkeley Biophysics program. She rotated in the Arkin lab researching microbial community assembly. She was mentored by Dr. Bradley Bigg during her rotation.
Xiaohan Zhu a graduate student in the UC Berkeley Biophysics program. She rotated in the Arkin lab researching microbial community assembly. She was mentored by Dr. Bradley Bigg during her rotation.
Riley, a graduate student in the UC Berkeley/UCSF Bioengineering program. She researched in the Arkin lab for her third lab rotation. She was mentored by Yolanda Huang, a postdoc in the Arkin lab, to help develop barcoding and functional genomic libraries.
Cameron is a graduate student in Plant & Microbial Biology Dept and jointly advised by Drs. Mutalik and Arkin
Kelly Wetmore is a graduate student in Adam Arkin’s lab at UC Berkeley with over 15 years of experience in microbial physiology and genetics before and during graduate school. She has been instrumental in developing a number of next-generation tools and protocols for microbial functional genomics. Kelly is supporting the CUBES team in applying these tools to optimize the core biomanufacturing microbes in physiologically more-or-less relevant conditions. She is also part of a large DOE environmental systems biology project in which she is developing a new technology to query high-throughput genetic interactions.
Aaron Berliner is a Bioengineering postdoctoral student in the Arkin Laboratory at UC Berkeley/UCSF. He studied bioengineering, control theory, and synthetic and systems biology at Boston University. In 2012, he began working as a research associate at the NASA Ames Research Center on projects involving 3D printing, bioelectrochemistry, and astrobiology. In 2013, he started as a research scientist in the Life Sciences group of Autodesk Research in San Francisco. At Autodesk, Aaron’s work ran the gamut from bioprinting, software engineering, synthetic virology, and DNA origami until 2016 when he moved back to space biology. Forming a partnership between UC Berkeley, Autodesk, and NASA Ames, Aaron began construction on Crucible, an open-source reactor for space synthetic biology experiments until 2017 when he started as a graduate student with Adam Arkin. He enjoys playing with his Mars-in-a-jar reactors. Aaron helped author the STRI grant that launched CUBES and is an NSF graduate fellow. His alternative scientific interests are terraforming and radiation biology. In his spare time, Aaron explores terraforming and space radiation.
William Krinsman was a PhD student from the Interdepartmental Group in Biostatistics at UC Berkeley. He worked in the Arkin Laboratory at LBNL as a developer for KBase and data analyst for ENIGMA. William’s research focused on developing novel computational methods for the statistical analysis of biological datasets. William majored in mathematics at Northwestern University, during which time William also studied at the universities TUM and LMU in the German city of Munich. Before moving to Berkeley, William was a Fulbright scholar for one year in the German capital Berlin. Afterwards, and prior to joining the Arkin Laboratory, William previously worked at LBNL’s supercomputing center NERSC and Computational Research Division (CRD), developing software to help scientists fully and easily access NERSC’s computing resources via interactive computing platforms from the open-source Jupyter project. William is fluent in German, as well as conversational in Russian and Spanish, and grew up in a household with two dogs and five cats.