Manoshi Sen Datta

Manoshi Sen Datta
Postdoctoral ResearcherManoshi is a computational microbial ecologist interested in harnessing the power of microbial consortia for sustainability. During her academic training, Manoshi explored how microscale eco-evolutionary dynamics in wild microbial ecosystems drive ecosystem-level properties. She employed a variety of approaches, including novel experimental model systems (with Otto Cordero), mathematical modeling of laboratory ecosystems (with Jeff Gore), and comparative genomics of wild bacteria (with Martin Polz and Roy Kishony). Manoshi then joined Boost Biomes, an agtech start-up, where she developed data science approaches to accelerate microbial interaction discovery in complex soil communities. In the Arkin Lab, she combined her expertise in computational genomics and data science to design synthetic microbial consortia for bioremediation of nitrate and heavy metals.